HAPPINESS IS… - Tisserand Malaysia

What makes you happy?

Many of us spend time searching for the answer to this question, believing that there will be one tangible solution.

It’s a pursuit that has held our attention throughout history. The Office for National Statistics has even tried to measure it. It recorded the varied levels of happiness between men and women over the past six years. Interestingly, it revealed that females measured higher in their happiness levels than males, but also had a higher anxiety level. Can we really measure happiness in such a matter-of-fact way? Surely happiness tinged with anxiety is an oxymoron?

Happiness can be found in our everyday comforts; food, love, financial security, sunshine on a cloudy day, time spent with family, a good night’s sleep, and all the things that we surround ourselves with daily. However, true happiness really starts from within – we must look at ourselves and our own wellbeing to have any hope at being truly content.

We believe happiness starts with you. There are many things we can do to control our own happiness, such as exercise, helping others, channelling our own inner harmony, finding meaning in the tasks we do and so on… but to bring these elements together in a well-rounded way we must find peace in our minds to bring a sense of balance.

Aromatherapy can be easily incorporated into our lives to help us navigate through daily mental stresses and physical challenges, and ultimately help improve our happiness by addressing these obstacles. The best part is, you don’t have to be an Aromatherapist to enjoy and benefit from these natural remedies – it can be easy! Every essential oil has a benefit; floral essential oils can help uplift the spirit, whilst citrus essential oils are fresh and can brighten your mood.

For a simple happiness boost, simply diffuse 6-8 drops of Orange essential oil in your Aroma Spa Diffuser to encourage feelings of joy and cheerfulness.

However you choose to spend this International Day of Happiness, do it with a smile on your face and remember to make time to be HAPPY.