COMFORT & JOY - Tisserand Malaysia

October 10th is Mental Health Awareness Day, an issue that affects millions of people the world over. In our latest blog post Beauty Shortlist Beauty Editor, Fiona Klonarides shares her thoughts on tackling stress and anxiety naturally…

When it feels like our world is swirling in uncertainty…a shock doctor’s diagnosis, an unexpected job cut, random public shootings, global warming weather extremes…it’s no surprise that anxiety, depression and stress plague so many of us.

The one thing we can be sure of is change, but that’s hardly a comfort when you crave peace, security and a happy life.

A couple of years ago, I asked, in a poll: “What affects you most, day to day?”



General Stress (e.g. feeling over-stretched)

Interestingly, anxiety came out top – by a long shot – then stress, then depression.

Aromatherapy, the great adapter, is such a useful addition to anyone’s Life Tool Kit. For stress, try:

The Stress Symptom Soothers: Lavender

The Mood Boosters: Grapefruit

The Stabilisers: When you’re mentally or emotionally spinning into orbit, Geranium is deeply grounding.

Nobody escapes life’s problems scott-free, of course, it’s more how we cope that determines how (quickly) we bounce back:

1) Lighten your load and simplify (lightening your load can mean talking with a close friend, mentor or therapist).

2) Community is key. In the world’s Blue Zones where people live to a healthy 100 years old and beyond (Sardinia and Ikaria, Greece are two), community is a core of daily life. Chatting with neighbours, coffee and card games in the taverna, local festivals where everyone participates or at least shows up to watch the celebrations…

3) Prioritise what’s important over what’s “urgent”. The more you do this, the more it makes sense.

4) Sleep is the ultimate luxury. It’s free – indulge.

5) Don’t compare. It harbours discontent.

6) Have a Plan B but put the welcome mat out for Plan A. Gratitude and positivity are life’s Vitamin C.