In our latest blog post Tisserand Aromatherapy Product Development Director Julia Haywood gives her views on the safe and effective use of essential oils during this key stage of many women’s lives…


Conceiving a baby for many is a straightforward (or even a little too straightforward!) process, but for thousands of women around the world, conception can prove elusive, incredibly tiring and stressful, putting a huge amount of counter-productive stress on the couple involved.

It goes without saying that encouraging relaxation and easing the symptoms of stress will help to create a more peaceful atmosphere for creating a baby, both in and outside of the body. If you are struggling to conceive try to take a break from thinking about it as often as possible. Step back and carve out some ‘you time’.

Create a cocoon of calm in your bedroom by diffusing Lavender in the evening. Our Aroma Spa Diffuser is perfect for this and features a mood-enhancing light to help further induce a state of calm.

Julia says:

“Essential oils should be treated with care if trying to conceive. Avoid Clary Sage and other hormone influencers like Geranium and Ylang Ylang. If in doubt about using essential oils consult a medical professional or qualified aromatherapist”.


Congratulations! If you have successfully conceived you’ll be over the moon and rightly so. Pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman’s life but can bring with it a whole plethora of concerns and anxieties. The key here is to remain calm where possible. If you are first time mum you may need extra help to navigate your way through the 9 months. Don’t be scared to get in touch with your midwife or medical practitioner if you have any concerns affecting your stress levels. Stress can be negative for baby too!

Whilst essential oils are not suitable for using on the skin within the first trimester, diffusing oils in the home can be useful to ease some of the side effects relating to pregnancy. To help beat morning sickness, blend together 2 drops of Peppermint essential oil with 3 drops of Lemon essential oil in a diffuser and take deep breaths to settle the stomach. Be careful not to overdo it though and limit the time the diffuser is on for no longer than 1 hour in every 24.

Essential oils can be used on the skin after the first trimester, but it is best to check first with a medical professional or qualified aromatherapist You can find details of aromatherapists local to you on the IFPA Website.

Julia says:

“Once you are pregnant, avoid using essential oils for massage and direct skin contact until after 1st trimester. After that gentle massage with relaxing oils such as lavender 4 drops in 20mls of carrier oil, can be beneficial”.


Bringing a new born baby in to the family is a truly wonderful thing, but sleepless nights and erratic days can leave families with new arrivals feeling burnt out and overwhelmed.

Try diffusing an energising blend to give you a boost. Add up to 4 drops of Grapefruit, Orange, Lemon essential oil to a diffuser and gently fill the room with an enlivening aroma. Again, be careful not to overdo it and do not use the diffuser for any longer than 1 hour in 24.

Julia says:

“After birth is advisable that essential oils are not used for direct skin contact as they have quite strong odours that can interfere with the mum/baby bonding. However, using essential oils for inhalation to help relax or energise after a sleepless night can be beneficial. It is not advised that you use essential oils on babies but a massage with unscented carried oil also helps the bonding process”.